Current Student Missionaries
Meet our current Student Missionaries! Thank you for praying for and supporting them with encouraging notes as they let Jesus' love shine through them wherever they serve around the world.
2024-2025 Student Missionaries
Edward Coberly
Yap, Micronesia
High School Math Teacher
Ashley Cox
Costa Rica
Elementary English Teacher
Chet Gregg
Kosrae, Micronesia
High School Social Studies Teacher
Kimberlee Guadiz
Health Care Assistant
Nicole Jackson
Costa Rica
Elementary English Teacher
Mallori Lloyd
Pohnpei, Micronesia
High School Social Studies Teacher
Tawni Lloyd
Pohnpei, Micronesia
High School Math Teacher
Malayna Logan
Majuro, Marshall Islands
2nd Grade Teacher
Laura Luke
Washington, U.S.
Assistant Girls Dean
Shudear Ruach
Girls Home Assistant (Fall)
Sabrina Salazar
Health Care Assistant
Gabriel Torres
Spiritual Care Assistant
Gabrielle Townsend
Refugee Aide Assistant
Luke Alder
Oregon, United States
Camp Assistant (Winter)